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tian ji造句

  • Or is this something that Tian Ji Ge planned for intentionally?
  • Later in 812, the warlord Tian Ji'an the military governor of Weibo Circuit died.
  • Sun Bin and Tian Ji were put in charge of the Qi army again to counter the Wei forces.
  • Tian Ji'an escalates the battle, sending Kongkonger to assassinate Liu, but Nie foils the assassination attempt.
  • Tian Ji was not on good terms with the Qi chancellor Zou Ji who disparaged Tian in front of King Wei.
  • Sun Bin was appointed as commander-in-chief of the Qi army this time, with Tian Ji as his deputy.
  • Zhao requested help from Qi, and the king of Qi commissioned Sun Bin and Tian Ji to lead an army to help Zhao.
  • In addition to Ah Jiang s miraculous recovery, Xia Tian and Tian Ji Ge aka D . K . talk enthusiastically about the past.
  • Xia Tian feels extremely bad over this, and she carefully picks up the pieces of the wind chime that Tian Ji Ge stepped on.
  • Initially, his staff members kept the death secret, and they supported Tian Ji'an, then age 14, to succeed him.
  • It's difficult to see tian ji in a sentence. 用tian ji造句挺难的
  • After the death of her father, the general Tian Ji'an sees Nie's advanced skills and hires her as an assistant.
  • During the reign of Tang Xian Zong, Tian Ji'an developed an adversarial relationship with Liu Changyi, another famous general at that time.
  • Fang Wei even provides one of his family s vacation villas on a private island for Ah Jiang to use as a battlefield against Tian Ji Ge.
  • Tian Ji'an was moved out of the headquarters into a separate residence, and he died a month later, on September 21, 812.
  • On 30 April, she made her second film appearance by starring in micro-movie " MoTian Jie " for mobile game Mo Tian Ji.
  • Although Tian Ji'an was the youngest, Princess Jiacheng adopted him as her child, and therefore, eventually, he became designated as Tian Xu's heir.
  • In 812, Tian Ji'an fell ill, and it was said that in his illness, he killed his subordinates at will, and the headquarters fell into chaos.
  • With Tian Ji'an's son and designated successor Tian Huaijian being young, soon thereafter, the soldiers mutinied and supported Tian Ji'an's relative Tian Xing.
  • With Tian Ji'an's son and designated successor Tian Huaijian being young, soon thereafter, the soldiers mutinied and supported Tian Ji'an's relative Tian Xing.
  • Five days later, they publicly announced Tian Xu's death, and Tian Ji'an claimed the title of acting military governor, an act that Emperor Dezong later approved.
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